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Against arms industry, phony war Iran-Israel, May 1rst, ACG and Palestine

Updated 22-4-2024


Actionweek, 20-4-2024
Protest před sídlem společnosti STV GROUP podporující masakr (nejen) v Gaze

Protest in front of the headquarters of STV GROUP supporting the massacre (not only) in Gaza

As part of the May Week of Action, we are calling a protest on Monday 20 May 2024 in front of the headquarters of STV GROUP a.s. in Prague. STV Group materially supports the Israeli army that is massacring the people of Gaza. It is part of a war machine that is a profitable business and at the same time brings destruction, death, misery, famine…
We will not remain silent when we know that thousands of kilometres away people like us are being murdered. We call for solidarity with them and will work to ensure that the massacres cannot continue. At the same time, we clearly declare our refusal to support nationalist tendencies that do not benefit the impoverished people of Gaza, but above all those who rule and exploit them. Our solidarity is directed towards our class brothers and sisters in Gaza who are in the grip of attacks by the Israeli army and, at the same time, daily attacks by Palestinian capitalists, repressive forces, bureaucrats and religious fundamentalists.
The exploited and oppressed in Gaza have no common interest with those who exploit them at home, just as it is not in the interest of the exploited and oppressed in Israel that the bombing of Gaza should continue. We are not calling for “national unity” or “national liberation struggle”, but rather for the dismantling of national unity, which always represents a false “unity” between the subjugated social class and the capitalist class that subjugates it.
The cracks in the nationalist construction help the exploited to recognize, regardless of national borders, their common interests and the need to unite against their exploiters in Gaza, Israel and around the world. Let us together condemn the “external” aggression of the Israeli state, but also the “local” aggression that takes place under the Palestinian flag. Let us define ourselves against nationalism – Israeli, Palestinian or otherwise. Let us disrupt the business of the STV Group, which is adding fuel to the heat of the ongoing conflict in Gaza, but also in other parts of the world.
WHEN: Monday, May 20, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
WHERE: Hvězdova 1716/2b, Prague 4, Nusle (=near Pakrác metro station)

Complete call. Translated by

Comment by Fredo Corvo and Aníbal

According to the program, the announced demonstration will open the week of action in Prague. In Google Maps we see an office building (City Tower). So the demonstration has a symbolic character. The text of the call clearly stands for the position of proletarian internationalism of struggle against both warring camps, both the Israeli and the Palestinian bourgeoisie.

As in an earlier case, we would like to add that the directly involved state of Israel and the would-be state(s) of Palestine are both imperialist. Both want to benefit as much as possible from the redistribution of the world between the spheres of influence of the American bloc (NATO, AUKUS, EU) and the Sino-Russian-Iranian bloc (which also includes Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and other smaller imperialists).

Since the demonstration is directed against the arms industry, we note that from the experience of the proletarian struggle against World War I, we know that strikes in the arms industries of Germany and Russia (states that directly participated in the struggle) were an important impetus for the emergence of mutinies of soldiers at the front and the creation of soldiers’ councils. These strikes in the defense industry were fueled on the one hand by the deterioration of workers’ wages and working conditions, and on the other by the deaths and injuries, especially of workers in the trenches. The anti-war propaganda of the revolutionary minorities contributed to the understanding of the working masses that the imperialist war affects them as proletarians and that the capitalists profit from it. The call for a demonstration in front of a Czech arms manufacturer misses this essential aspect of the pressure that the preparations for world war put on the workers. This also makes the demonstration vulnerable to any provocation that would declare it “directed against the workers of the STV group”.

Prospettiva Marxista – Circolo internazionalista “coalizione operaia, 18-4-2024
Feticci, fantocci e fantaccini dell’imperialismo

Fetishes, puppets and phantoms of imperialism

The spike in tensions between Israel and Iran had an immediate effect on the media: the issue of the plight of the beleaguered Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip suddenly slipped to the inside pages, out of the headlines, out of the openings of television news programs, and out of the lineups of (usually supposedly) in-depth programs.
In an instant, the drama of hundreds of thousands of people, entire families, trapped in the south of the Strip, awaiting the Israeli military offensive, disappeared from public attention. Rafah was forgotten.
The military showdown between Israel and Iran quickly took center stage in the political debate and in the quagmire of foreign affairs of the chancelleries and international institutions. In another confirmation, whether the “leftist” fetishists of national liberation recognize it or not, of how the Palestinian issue is tragically absorbed and subordinated to the game of regional powers and imperialist powerhouses. When the real subjects of the confrontation hint at moving, the objects of this imperialist dynamic can safely slip into the shadows, with all their suffering, their despair, their trampled lives. Their plight, with its repercussions and implications in the regional situation, will return to the headlines and talk shows when it is again challenged in one way or another by the competing bourgeois powers and factions, when it serves the interests of these capitalist subjects.
While the bourgeois ideologues issue stable orders and slogans useful to the necessities, while the major states of the great powers, regional powers and political formations such as Hamas, subordinate to the actions and directions coming from this level of imperialist confrontation, pursue their own guidelines, It remains only the internationalists – those who do not misuse this dignified name – who always remember the class condition of the masses of victims of the conflicts that have emerged from the bowels of capitalism, who denounce the class character of the violence exercised by the bourgeois states and political bodies in the development of the global imperialist scenario.
In their own way, the explosions on the night of April 13-14 not only lit up the sky over the Middle East, but also added an element of clarity.
Along with the missiles and drones, all those false categories, which are only good for conveying bourgeois interests in the most functional guise possible to deceive and encourage the entanglement of the proletarians in the service of foreign and hostile interests, went up in smoke once again.
Is the key to interpreting the tensions and clashes in the Middle East, the criterion around which to line up, the opposition between West and East, or between the Arab world and Israel, an outpost of “Western” imperialism? If so, we should register the entry of states such as Jordan and Saudi Arabia, which have contributed to the interception of Iranian drones and missiles aimed at Israeli targets, into the world – now casually shifting and protean – of “Western” powers. Authoritarian Regimes versus Democracies? While we wait for a better understanding of the position of a crucial regional power like Egypt (whose highly questionable democratic character has not prevented it from receiving visits from European dignitaries, with the attendant disbursement of billions in loans and grants), let us also note the entry of Amman and Riyadh into the laughable ranks of accomplished democracies, and to be defended as such, against the non-Western, authoritarian world (not to mention how drastically the guarantees of the much-celebrated Israeli democracy are applied according to ethnic, religious, and social affiliation). At the heart of the regional conflict would be the fatal opposition between Sunnis and Shiites? Once again, the peremptory nature of the interpretive key, when confronted with reality, ends up getting lost in a maze of inconsistencies, ultimately leading to surreal conclusions. While proudly Sunni Arab states would side with none other than Christian and infidel America, secular France and Anglican Britain, and the Jewish state to counter Shiism, Sunni Hamas would act in alliance with Iran and Shiite Hezbollah. All the while, the space for intervention and maneuvering of imperialist powers such as Russia and China should be clarified in this categorical confessional scheme.
In the clash between Iran and Israel and the alignments that revolve around this opposition, where can one trace the politically resolving divide between the North and the “Global South”? Where does the Global South begin and end? Are the Saudi rulers in the global South? Is Tehran, with its 14 million inhabitants, its more than 900 kilometers of highways, expressways, interchanges, subway lines, large bourgeois and proletarian neighborhoods, a locality of the pre-capitalist Global South, a stronghold of the mysterious and radically alien East?

Is the key to interpreting the tensions and clashes in the Middle East, the criterion around which to line up, the opposition between West and East, or between the Arab world and Israel, an outpost of “Western” imperialism? If so, we should register the inclusion of states such as Jordan and Saudi Arabia, which have contributed to the interception of Iranian drones and missiles aimed at Israeli targets, in the world – now casually shifting and protean – of “Western” powers. Authoritarian Regimes versus Democracies? While we wait for a better understanding of the position of a crucial regional power like Egypt (whose highly questionable democratic character has not prevented it from receiving visits from European dignitaries, with the attendant disbursement of billions in loans and grants), let us also note the entry of Amman and Riyadh into the laughable ranks of accomplished democracies, and to be defended as such, against the non-Western, authoritarian world (not to mention how drastically the guarantees of the much-celebrated Israeli democracy are applied according to ethnic, religious, and social affiliation). At the heart of the regional conflict would be the fatal opposition between Sunnis and Shiites? Once again, the peremptory nature of the interpretive key, when confronted with reality, ends up getting lost in a maze of inconsistencies, ultimately leading to surreal conclusions. While proudly Sunni Arab states would side with none other than Christian and infidel America, secular France and Anglican Britain, and the Jewish state to counter Shiism, Sunni Hamas would act in alliance with Iran and Shiite Hezbollah. All the while, the space for intervention and maneuvering of imperialist powers such as Russia and China should be clarified in this categorical confessional scheme.
In the clash between Iran and Israel and the alignments that revolve around this opposition, where can one trace the politically resolving divide between the North and the “Global South”? Where does the Global South begin and end? Are the Saudi rulers in the global South? Is Tehran, with its 14 million inhabitants, its more than 900 kilometers of highways, expressways, interchanges, subway lines, large bourgeois and proletarian neighborhoods, a locality of the pre-capitalist Global South, a stronghold of the mysterious and radically alien East of “Western” civilization, or is it a capitalist megalopolis?
Moments of truth in imperialist confrontation set the record straight. At least for those with eyes to see and the intellectual honesty to deal with bourgeois ideological representations and schematisms on the basis of facts, however evocative and suggestive they may be. World imperialism does not know any cardinal points. The conflicts, the open wounds in the Middle East, as well as the war in Ukraine and the growing tensions in the Indo-Pacific, find their main source of nourishment in the dynamics of imperialism, in its ineradicable contradictions, in the charge of violence that it inevitably accumulates. It is on the basis of a rigorous class-based analysis of these dynamics that the most authentic and effective orientations can be identified and understood, also understanding the real functionality of divisions and specific ethnic, religious and national identities in relation to the profound and decisive action of ultimately fundamental forces and factors.
On the basis of this awareness, revolutionary communists can affirm, with increasing strength and conviction with each further and bloody development of the imperialist confrontation, that only proletarian internationalism – against all the uses of our class by the most disparate bourgeois expressions acting and measuring themselves in this imperialist scenario – constitutes the way out for the proletariat and all humanity from a world otherwise condemned to suffer the bloody logic of capital.
Only on the basis of an absolutely superior, firm and consistent class discriminant is it possible to navigate today’s developments of imperialism and the even more convulsive and dramatic ones that lie ahead. Only on the basis of this rigorous discriminant, which must be passionately and resolutely defended against the camp logic of the ideological fantasists of imperialism and against the dirty formulas of “unconditional” support, or rather of unconditional subordination of our class to the bourgeois puppets of the supposedly “progressive” powers, we, as revolutionary communists, will indeed be able to fulfill our task by pointing out to our class, and together with it, a strategic path through the ruins and massacres of the violent senescence of capitalist rule.

Whole article. Translated by DeepL Pro

Comment by F.C.

The article does not explain the implications and possible consequences of the fake Israeli-Iranian air war for the formation of imperialist blocs. It overlooks (coincidentally?) that Iran informed the U.S. well in advance of its “retaliatory strike” against Israel. The reason? Iran, like the U.S., does not want the war in the Middle East to spread to its own territory, and to this end Iran recognizes the U.S. military (nuclear) capability. Meanwhile, Iran – and in the background China and Russia – will continue efforts to further sabotage by local militias, from Hamas to the Houthis against the actual reinforcement of the US bloc in the region (correctly demonstrated by the article). On the other hand, Israel will try to resist American pressure to weaken the policy of Greater Israel.
A full understanding of the background and implications of recent developments in the Middle East is facilitated if one does not, like the authors of the article and other neo-Leninists, cling convulsively to Lenin’s view of imperialism. Always in search of allies, Lenin tried to distinguish between the great powers, which he called imperialist, and the lesser powers, nations, peoples, colonized peoples, whom he tried to appease as victims of this “imperialism” with nationalist slogans, handing over the proletarians of these nations to their petty-bourgeois or bourgeois leaders, from Pidzulsky to Chiang kai-shek and from Kemal Pasha to Hitler (“national Bolshevism”). Attention to the appalling numbers of victims of Israeli attacks in Gaza and the West Bank may have distracted the authors. However, it is necessary to understand that all forces in imperialist war, whether large or small, are imperialist in the sense that they seek to gain the most from the redivision of the planet into capitalist spheres of influence.

ICT, 20-4-2024
Primo Maggio 2024 Abbasso il nazionalismo e la guerra! Il proletariato non ha patria!

May Day 2024 Down with nationalism and war! The proletariat has no country!

“… Where does the idea come from, for example, of wanting to defend a product of jihadist and fascist nationalism like Hamas?…
Imperialist policy ‘is not the work of one or a few states, but is the product of a certain degree of maturity in the further development of capital, an inherently international phenomenon, an indivisible whole that can be recognized only in all its mutual relations and from which no single state is able to escape.’ (Rosa Luxemburg) Moreover, in imperialist conflicts, states that are completely on equal footing in terms of economic and military development rarely face each other, which in some ways is also a cause of war. So, the decisive criterion is to determine which class conducts the war. The tragic common feature of every imperialist war is the bloody clash between the exploited on both sides. On both sides people die for “their own bourgeoisie,” for interests that are not their own!

Against any nationalist ideology!

In this context, any talk about the “right of peoples to self-determination,” “wars of national liberation,” or “independence of nations” is a reactionary abstraction in which the conceptions widespread among certain leftists, who see Hamas as a supposed “anti-colonial movement” or the Houthis as an “anti-imperialist force,” fit. One cannot defend the interests of the proletariat by leaving the fate of the wage-earners in the hands of the bourgeoisie, whether jihadists or secular forces. …”

Fragments of a call. Translated by DeepL Pro

Comment by F.C.

Be careful when the ICT quotes Luxemburg or uses the word “tragic”; the ICT explicitly does NOT mention that every imperialist war since the beginning of the 20th century has been INTER-imperialist. When the ICT dramatically calls Hamas “fascist” or correctly denies that Hamas is an “anti-colonial movement” or that the Houthis are an “anti-imperialist force,” the ICT doesn’t say clearly what Hamas and the Houthis are: not only capitalist, bourgeois forces, but IMPERIALIST themselves. As a neo-Leninist, the ICT doesn’t understand that all participants in imperialist war, big or small, are imperialist in the sense that they seek to gain the most from the redivision of the planet into capitalist spheres of influence.

Phil, 16-4-2024
The ACG takes another step towards supporting the nationalist war campaign

“… In the previous issue of WR, we warned of the danger of the Anarchist Communist Group’s concessions towards lining up behind the Palestinian bourgeoisie. Initially, we had welcomed the fact that the ACG defended an internationalist position by denouncing both sides in this war[1].But subsequently, we pointed to its concessions to the idea of the “liberation” of Palestinian workers: “the position defended by the ACG in this article is very dangerous because, at first glance, it seems indeed to be based on proletarian internationalism. But that is only in appearance. Because if you read it carefully, the opposite is the case. The article does not straightforwardly and openly defend Palestinian nationalism, but its logic, its whole reasoning points in that direction. It is a very sophisticated exposition of the national liberation ideology”[2].

This ‘sophisticated’ defence of nationalism has now become less subtle. In a recent article[3], unlike the previous article, the ACG makes no clear denunciation of the war as imperialist, of the links between the Palestinian “resistance” groups and various imperialist powers. Instead, the article presents the Israeli state as the only perpetrator of this war. The ACG does say that it is: “the already dispossessed and those who are always the greatest victims of inter-imperialist wars, of colonialism and exploitation: the working class”. But without a clear statement of the imperialist nature of both sides this statement remains at best ambiguous. It certainly does not warn the working class about the danger of lining up behind either side. …

The ACG is at a crossroads. Either it begins to resist the growing influence of leftism on it, which means addressing its underlying source – its rejection of marxism and its contemporary vanguard, the tradition of the Communist Left. The alternative is to be increasingly swept up into leftism.”

Fragments of an article

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Iran-Israel, total mobilization in Charkov, teachers strike in Brazil, Burma, first May 1rst declaration

Updated 15-4-2024


Aníbal, 15-4-2024
Diez días en alerta: cómo EEUU y sus aliados se prepararon para el ataque de Irán a Israel

Ten days on alert: how the US and its allies prepared for Iran’s attack on Israel

Iran’s attack on Israel was unprecedented: it was the first time Tehran launched a direct offensive on Israeli territory. However, the wave of missiles and drones did not take the United States and its allies by surprise, who for ten days were preparing in a state of maximum alert.

According to U.S. government sources, Washington was coordinating during this period with allies such as Israel, the United Kingdom and France to reinforce Israeli air defenses, but there were also contacts with other countries such as China, India, Turkey and Iraq to avoid a regional escalation.



Attacks, responses, responses, attacks…Governments and militarism of the imperialist bourgeoisies in dance.

Militarily the Iranian response has been a failure, its drones and missiles being intercepted in a high percentage. But politically it serves the Iranian political-military leaderships to carry out a “muscular” campaign full of nationalist anti-Zionist rhetoric and staging of “military will and capacity”.

It has also served the Zionist government of Israel for its stagings and purposes. The heads of the respective blocs have been in contact and have arranged their troops and limitations. There is no direct war between Iran and Israel in the making.

Fredo Corvo comments, pertinent and appropriate:

“The latest clashes must also be seen in the context of the blocs. Iran warned the United States of the coming attack. As a result, the U.S. and its allies were better able to disable most of the missiles and drones. At the same time, the U.S. bloc deployment made it clear to Israel that it had to heed U.S. de-escalation wishes.”

Complete entry, translated by, 14-4-2024
“Парагвай, Парагвай, кого хочешь загребай”. Харьков под бомбежками обсуждает принятый закон о тотальной мобилизации

“Paraguay, Paraguay, grab whoever you want.” Kharkov under bombing discusses the adopted law on total mobilization

Thursday, April 11th marked the transformation of Ukraine from just a concentration camp into a death camp. Not a single blocking resolution has been registered in the Verkhovna Rada; next month bill 10449 is due to come into force, after which living property of the state will be required to provide their data for military registration within 60 days. Our magazine assumed from the very beginning that this would be the case, contrary to all hopes, that the people’s representatives would be afraid to break the people over their knees. The hoarse dwarf is still haunted by the laurels of the Paraguayan General Lopez, whose totalitarian regime in the 1860s killed the majority of the male population of this small South American country in a war with a much superior enemy. True, in our case the leader is hardly ready to “die with his homeland,” as that dictator did in the battle with the Brazilians. And the Ukrainians are not as ready to give their lives for him and his gang as the Paraguayans were then.

We can congratulate those who fought for this law, hoping for demobilization for themselves or their hubby: the adopted version does not provide for demobilization even after 3 years of service. To do this, we will have to wait for another bill, which is supposed to appear by the end of the year. “What an interesting country we have. Just yesterday this Chernogorenko was working on eMalyatkom and Covid-certificates, and today she is the Deputy Minister of Defense. Everything is correct, the Ministry of Defense should employ people who have not held weapons in their hands, and if you are a hard worker and do not want to go to war, you are a swindler and not a person at all. There, tame warriors are already being instructed to record a video in which they ask to vote for the law on mobilization. Zelya covers up again, like it’s not him… But it never dawns on them that they are ordinary meat, some of them still believe that they are protecting their families and their land. Only now the orders are given to them not by their land or their family, but by Bankova ,” noted Kharkov resident Yaroslav Gorbatko. It is still possible to leave the army only with a load of 200, either by deserting or being captured, but maintaining life and health in Russian captivity is still a quest.

But the attitude towards themselves on the part of civilians of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has completely ruined. Although, first of all, this is the merit of camouflage terminators, who, instead of trenches, prefer to fight with their unarmed fellow citizens from the studios of opshny and oligarchic channels. Threats to the “uglyants” and “mother’s cherries” (by which we mean everyone who does not want to fight, except for businessmen, deputies, military commissars, state propagandists and other serious citizens who need to bow at their feet) pour from there like from a cornucopia – because to protect tall gentlemen are normal, but ordinary guys who dare to just walk the streets and not be disabled are not. As a result, it is not these daddy’s strawberries themselves who will suffer, but rather the non-public military from the front line, when they will be begging for treatment and prosthetics in front of those whom the studio stormtroopers called on to crush like bedbugs. We wrote not long ago about how the country’s leadership pits civilians against the military .

“The authorities managed to hang the stigma of “swindlers” on everyone who is not at the front, thanks, among other things, to the square-headed ones who spread their crap to other fragile minds. No, well, if you are a woman without a husband and son, or a Soviet penny, or a major son of respected people and you live in Kyiv or to the west, and the threat is a Russian missile or drone that might someday hit you, then of course you can endure until you win, and if you are in Kharkov, Dnepr, Zaporozhye, Odessa, then the number of drones with missiles is increasing, and plus the state is strangling the TCC and garbage with its hands, and somehow you don’t want to endure as much as you like. Dogs that feed from this hand do not go to protect this hand; those who do not feed must protect it. Sure, fuck. It was necessary to lure with payments immediately, and not with TCC officials and red-commissar slogans about victory or death, ” explains a Kharkov resident named Timur in one of the agenda chats. – It’s just that a bunch of bad people (the TCC organized crime group) were given permission to spread rot on citizens, and in case of resistance from citizens, these bad people were given protection in the form of the state (garbage), and the so-called “civilized countries” supposedly don’t see this fucker. So no, we are not savages or slaves, we are simply completely surrounded from absolutely all sides. They’ve already told the Russians that they are slaves, so they’ve heard it themselves. Confusion, damn it.”

During any verification of documents and reconciliation with the electronic register of persons liable for military service, the police will now have the right to detain the client and take him to the TCC if his data is not in the system after the deadline for submission. Failure to have a military identification card on you will also result in detention and busification. It’s even strange that public rape with a mop was not provided as a punishment for evasion – so that the damned philanderers would know what awaits them if the “Russian world” comes. It could also be prescribed for all those liable for military service to offer daily prayer for the health of the eternally legitimate. Of course, on his knees, wearing an embroidered shirt, with a flag in one hand and an assault shovel in the other. “Haven’t you thought of not letting Kharkiv residents leave the city yet? This is a whole ready-made army. I read in the comments of the groups the opinion of Kharkov residents, how they will not give up under any circumstances, but let someone else come to defend them and I think: my idea is great. If you shout about victory, go win. This would be a science to many people. Only very stupid individuals did not understand that war is an agreement for the disposal of suckers. But… these individuals are more than 80%. If a couple of thousand men approached the western border, they would pass it easily. But we have problems with unification. Fighting among ourselves is everything, alas. Believe me, the border guards are not made of steel. They would have seen a crowd of thousands and simply stamped it. But people’s rose-colored glasses are firmly stuck to their heads. They believe in victory with Kuleba’s shovels ,” says social media user Mari Moris.

In general, facilitating the registration of “human resources” with the military is the main objective of the law. Venislavsky claims that data can be updated by telephone or email, although this is not provided for by law. The Dzerzhinsky District Court of Kharkov just fined a Kharkov resident under Part 1 of Art. 296 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism) for the fact that he made four video calls to the bank’s service center and showed the employee “his exposed organ.” Perhaps he was protesting against mobilization, showing women what they would lose if he died? We suspect that the same video recordings may now begin to arrive in the military commissar’s electronic mailboxes.

Deputies, naturally, do not classify themselves as “human resources”. Also, reservation from mobilization is granted to the entire repressive apparatus, heads of state and local government bodies, 50% of civil servants of categories “B” and “C”, owners of strategic enterprises and, if lucky, their employees. This is against the backdrop of the fact that the Ukrainian bourgeoisie is gradually left without labor . “The economy will collapse. Someone, for example, will stop transferring money to Ukraine and will put it into a European account. And I’ll close my emergency with foreign economic activity. And fuck you will get currency and taxes from me. Hryvnas will fly into space. Something like this in the area of ​​Saturn or even Pluto. Grain to grain, and then: oh, why isn’t this day in the budget?” – Kharkov resident Sergei Bondarenko writes on social networks. The idea of ​​a peaceful general protest strike is even being put forward: “There is a smart option) All men in the country need to buy food for a couple of months and not go out at all. Yes, it will be hard, but it will help . Stupidly in 1 day all men will disappear from the streets. The TCC is freaking out, the meat will be lost. There will be no one to cover the losses. In this case, these bastards will begin to negotiate ,” suggests a participant named Boris in one of the agenda groups in Kharkov. Others respond to this that they do the same thing without him: “Well, the cops will come, you didn’t come out, they’ll go through the neighbors, ask “is there such and such,” someone will say “is,” and that’s it, they’ll keep you in wait and take you away. . And you probably need to sit not for a couple of months, but right up until the elections in America. It’s easier to stay at home in winter than in summer, and many have already been sitting at home for more than a year. My friends have already bought swimming pools for their homes, because they are afraid to take their children to the river again.” However, it is far from a fact that the neighbors will hand over the hiding person.

As a consolation prize for those fighting at zero, the Cabinet of Ministers on Friday adopted a resolution on a one-time payment of 70 thousand hryvnia. Is this enough for at least a funeral and a memorial? If the cemetery is not the most littered, then only the place can cost from a couple of thousand dollars, and if there is also a monument more or less, then it with everything else can drag on for the same amount. You can manage everything for a couple of thousand if you bury it somewhere at the very end of the cemetery. One of our readers anonymously reports that from a panel house with 10 entrances on Svetlaya Street on Saltovka, 5 people died at the front, and none of their relatives saw payments for death. Victoria Churilova asks a rhetorical question in one of the Kharkov chats:

“Since Ukraine became independent, it has not needed children. There are no benefits and no conditions, everything is thrown into survival. And how to fight for their interests, so give a ready-made child… Why don’t you, owners, run to maternity hospitals at the birth of babies to help financially, just catch a ready-made one to hand over this fucking summons?”

In the capital region, the law on mobilization coincided with the news about the construction of the National War Memorial in the Kiev region on more than 260 hectares. Everything here seems to be logical: the state takes care of patriots and creates for them all the conditions to raise their morale. In the first capital, this happened against the backdrop of intensifying already regular Russian attacks on the military and civilian infrastructure of the city. The head of the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council, Lieutenant Andrei Kovalenko (a typical warrior of the Barbershop battalion), pleased us with the following post on his Telegram channel last Sunday, April 7:

“The tactics of the enemy are terror of great places. Terror is balistic, terror, yak according to Kharkov – there are KABs. This includes the terorization of the population. And this attracts the maximum number of speakers, people, you know, with Ukrainian passports, who are spreading panic about the attack on Kharkov…
Enemy tactics – so that more people leave the great places. This is genocide!
There is a lot of anger that needs to be squeezed out. It is obvious to Russians that you all leave the place.
It is clear that the skin is making decisions for itself, but those who are weakening the defense forces will do everything in order to punish the enemy for those who are guilty of harming, that is a fact. But the enemy needs there to be no Ukrainians in Ukraine.
And you, if you hear different kinds of “refugees ” from Vidnya, who sit there and hear different Mossiychuk there, remember that the stinks flowed from the edge, the stinks sit near Vidnya, and no If they are there, I will tell you, How do you need to move from your land? And decide – what is closest to you… GLORY TO UKRAINE!”

The non-zlamists completely agree with him – those of them who have not yet left Kharkov usually have on their heads not even a saucepan, but a Soviet cast-iron bathtub that cannot be broken through by any logical arguments. In a more popular way, this text can be stated something like this:

“The tactics of the TCC are now terror of the people of great places. Terror in a bus, terror, as in Kharkov – drive minibuses. This includes the terorization of the population. And under this, the maximum number of front-line fighters is being drawn up, people, you know, with Ukrainian passports, so as to spread panic about the thieves at the border…
The tactics of the TCC – so that no more people go beyond the border Don This is genocide!
There is a lot of anger that needs to be squeezed out. It is obvious to Russians that you all leave the place.
It is clear that the skin is making decisions for itself, but those who are trying to stop the TCC and will do everything to punish the people for those who are doing it, that’s a fact. And the hooligans need there to be no Ukrainians in Ukraine.
And you, if you hear different kinds of “refugees” from Vidnya, who sit there and recognize, there are different Mosiychuk there, you remember that they flowed from the edge, they sit near Vidnya, only there, and will tell you , how do you need to move from your land. And decide – what is closest to you… GLORY TO UKRAINE!”

Among the world media, the closest to the Assembly’s assessment in this regard is the article “The Kremlin wants to make Ukraine’s second city unliveable” dated April 7 in the British magazine The Economist, which says that Kharkov may be the target of a major summer offensive of the Russian Federation, but it is not is the most likely direction. The problem is that even without an offensive, they may not leave a living place here: glide bombs are already reaching the Shevchenkovsky district of Kharkov, and the rest are covered with missiles and drones without much difficulty. The entire royal army, from the gray-haired count to the Central Operations Center, the Main Intelligence Directorate and Ermak’s press service, broadcasts about “don’t panic and trust only the telethon”, “the non-evil ones don’t need light” and “there is no money, but you hold on” – however, the very fact how actively they refute the preparations by the Russians to storm the city, leads the thinking public to think about the need for a human shield according to the Mariupol scenario. Let us remember that at the beginning of 2022, the authorities also called on people not to leave there, and then there were “May kebabs” made from human meat…

Kharkov Pyatikhatki, Horizon and Northern Saltovka also announced evacuation as early as April 21, 2022, when there was almost no one left in the areas that had been wiped off the face of the earth . Now they again need to ensure that the treasury of killed civilians does not become scarce in order to extract Western financial assistance, and also that there is an intense motivation for the evaders to take revenge on the aggressor. They won’t let you leave the country, and you can only live on payments for displaced people in a basement or at a train station. On April 10, Ukrainian pacifist blogger Andrei Lugansky wrote on his Telegram about what to expect next:

“I can’t even imagine the level of anger and powerlessness, aggression and hatred in the posts of front-line fighters by the end of the year.
Imagine – the law on mobilization will not work, civilians will continue to evade, there is no and will not be effective recruiting, increased busification will lead to a complete rejection of the rear and the army.
The beginning of winter – against the backdrop of probably difficult (let’s call it “difficult”) news from the front, against the backdrop of the results of the new counter-offensive announced by Zelensky, against the backdrop of unsolvable problems with electricity generation, Kharkov…
Against this backdrop, the US Presidential elections are being held. Trump, for example, promises to give Putin Donbass and Crimea, or in general all the territories that Putin manages to seize. At the same time, no one particularly asks about Ukraine itself. Ukraine is forced to sign an agreement with the US and EU about this.
There are fewer and fewer people in the army, everything is sad with finances, there will be money for sakura, but no social payments, salaries even for the army are in question. People from Ukraine will flee to freedom in summer and autumn across fields, rivers and mountains in even greater numbers than last year.
The front-line activists will need to look for those to blame, they are already doing this, but by the end of the year, accusations will be needed like air.
There will come an understanding that civilians no longer join the army and no longer want to fight; it will not be possible to forcefully catch up with the soldiers – SZCh.
Outwardly, of course, the United States and the “allies” who cheated will be to blame.
Internally, bloggers and swindlers will be to blame, and they will need to be massively punished with millions.”

Well, at least you don’t have to worry about the next heating season. The flames from the burning fifths of the patriots should be enough to both heat and illuminate the entire city of Kharkov. The party said to fight to the death!

Complete article, without images and hyperlinks, translated by Google

Vários Coletivos & Páginas, april 2024
As Ilusões do Governo Lula e o novo Ciclo de Lutas Sociais no Brasil –

The Illusions of the Lula Government and the New Cycle of Social Struggles in Brazil

“With the electoral victory of the Lula government, the hopes of the “left” were renewed. Many believed that this would be enough to “rebuild” Brazil and that, therefore, Lula would actively work to improve the quality of life of workers and provide economic and social development. Just over a year after the beginning of his government, illusions began to dissipate with the arrival of a scenario of strikes across the country.

We will illustrate this scenario by highlighting throughout the discussion the example of the strike decision in Fortaleza, Ceará. On April 4th, the union APEOC (Association of Teachers of Official Establishments of the State of Ceará), responding to the demands of teachers in the state network, organized an assembly that would debate issues in the category (salaries, career adjustments, etc.) that were not have been addressed in recent years. The struggle of education workers in Fortaleza is part of a larger, national movement, which spreads to other areas, as can be seen in the strike that began at the Federal Institutes, on April 3rd, in the possibility of a strike at Federal Universities scheduled for the next 15th[1], and even in the fight against the federal government’s regulation imposed on app workers in the category of car drivers, which is beginning to reverberate for the category of motorcyclists. …”

Introduction of a translation published on

Hein Htet Kyaw, 31-3-2024
Leninism has nothing to offer for Burma

“… Leninism, for its vanguardist approach with the centralisation, was used partially by the Socialist Party and the military junta regimes since the first of coup in 1959 against the social democratic government of Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League. The Communist Party of Burma used Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as their primary ideology in the last century. In the 1960s, they also attempted to topple the military regime. Nonetheless, the Burmese Communist Party has said unequivocally that they have no interest in conducting a free and fair election. They intend to use military action to take control of the state. Similar to how Ba’athism was a synthesis of Islam and Marxism-Leninism, the Burma Socialist Programme Party was a synthesis of Buddhism and Marxism-Leninism.

Therefore, virtually every generation of military juntas shared the majority of Leninist teachings such as centralization, bureaucracy, state capitalism (or state socialism), vanguard party, and war communism. All military juntas have their roots in Marxism-Leninism, which is fundamentally more familiar to fascism and Leninism than it is to true emancipation, even though none of them adheres to the authentic democratic socialism and communism.”


Comment by F.C.
This informative article is written from a left bourgeois position and contains several weaknesses, f.e. idealizing Rojava and intersectionalism.

ICP (Florence), 14-4-2024
First of May 2024: Against all imperialist wars!

No need for many words: only the pathetically deluded fail to see that, in the depths of the capitalist economy, with the peaks and dips in its decades-long crisis, a new and widespread conflict is being prepared – one even more devastating than the two past world wars and the countless “minor wars” that preceded and followed them: the last of the series, the war in Ukraine, and the slaughter of the Palestinian proletarians in and around Gaza.

Imperialist wars are not the result of the “will for power” or “homicidal madness” of one “dictator” or the other or – worse still – of one more or less “chosen people” or another. They are produced by the very dynamics of capital, obliged to have recourse to them in the vain attempt to make the blocked mechanism of accumulation move forward again, by destroying what has been produced in excess, including the labour force. In the age of imperialism, there are no “aggressor” countries or “attacked” countries, “rogue countries” or “friendly countries”: it is the various national bourgeoisies that are attacking one another, continuing – with increasingly merciless and extreme means – the “peaceful” competition (see: trade wars!) on which the capitalist mode of production is based. Two world wars and dozens of bloody “minor” conflicts should have served to teach us this! Faced with the coming conflict now under preparation, not a single proletarian, man or woman, at the service of the ruling classes, their States and their armies!

“Fatherlands”, “nations”, “religions” can be left to the bourgeoisie and their faithful petit-bourgeois servants. We have no “fatherlands” or “nations” to defend or religions to promote: our war can only be the class war, to finally win power and bring into being a classless society, with no exploiters and no-one exploited. And so let us organize ourselves, starting from today, to break national unity and oppose the war-mongering politics of all governments! We vigorously repeat the slogan of revolutionary defeatism and proletarian brotherhood before and beyond any barrier or frontier, filling it out with operational content:

An open fight to defend living and working conditions, striking hard at the economic and political interests of the bourgeoisie.

The refusal to accept economic and social sacrifices in the name of the national economy.

An open break with the social pact and a determined return to the methods and objectives of the class war, the only real and feasible internationalist solidarity, in the imperialist metropolises as well as in the peripheries.

The refusal to take sides (nationalist, religious, mercenary, humanitarian, pseudo-socialist, pacifist…) on behalf of any State or fronts of States involved in wars.

Economic and social strikes leading to authentic general strikes, paralyzing the life of the nation and opening the way to political strikes, aiming to slow down and prevent any military mobilization or war propaganda.

Not unless the militant avant-garde of our class organizes around these contents (and not only on the necessary but limited ground of union, environmental and social action etc…) will it be possible to prepare for acts of open anti-militarism and anti-patriotic defeatism:

Allowing our own State and its allies to be defeated, disobeying military hierarchies in an organized manner, fraternizing with our class brothers (also trapped in their “fatherlands”), keeping a firm hold on all arms and defence systems, to defend ourselves in first place and then free ourselves from the tentacles of bourgeois institutions: transforming the war between States into a war within States, civil war, revolutionary war.

Comment by F.C.
The ICP, trapped in Leninism, mentions “the slaughter of the Palestinian proletarians in and around Gaza” and apparently not that of proletarians that belong to other ‘nations’: Israel, India and other. Do the Palestinian proletarians not ‘enjoy’ having a nationalist and capitalist bourgeoisie that delivers them to slaughter in its imperialist imterest: to gain most of the repartition of capitalist spheres of influence?

Is the palestinian would-be state an exception to these slogans:

  • “The refusal to take sides (nationalist, religious, mercenary, humanitarian, pseudo-socialist, pacifist…) on behalf of any State or fronts of States involved in wars.”?
  • “Allowing our own State and its allies to be defeated, disobeying military hierarchies in an organized manner, fraternizing with our class brothers (also trapped in their “fatherlands”), keeping a firm hold on all arms and defence systems, to defend ourselves in first place and then free ourselves from the tentacles of bourgeois institutions: transforming the war between States into a war within States, civil war, revolutionary war.”?

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