Iran: strike of steel workers, protests of oil and gaz workers, retirees and nurses

In Chabahar 21-11-2023, the workers of Bestab Bana Petrochemical Sina Polyolefin Company went on strike for their demands to be met.

The wars in Ukraine and between Israel and Hamas have also had a profound impact on Iran. The Ayatollah regime and Russia are part of the bloc in formation around China. Iran supplies drones to Russia and missile parts to Hamas. Iran supports various militias in Lebanon (Hezbollah), Syria, and Iraq, among others. That does not prevent left bourgeois underground resistance groups in Iran from supporting Russia in the Ukraine war and “the Palestinian people” in the Middle East conflict …. like the regime they are fighting. Right-bourgeois Shah supporters, always on the side of the U.S., support Ukraine and Israel.
During the Chador protests (led by the middle class) that all bourgeois opponents of the Ayatollah regime considered a prelude to its overthrow, workers who went on strike in defense of their living conditions were taunted and condemned as selfish, cowardly or “economistic” when they refused to take over the slogans of these middle-class protests.
Now, workers in Iran are making their voices heard again. Unlike ‘their’ regime and the right or left bourgeois resistance groups, they have no side to choose in the ongoing wars preparing WW3 between the USA and China: they have to defend their class interests and develop their struggle against all factions of the bourgeoisie of Iran into an offensive struggle against the state of Iran. That will be the best contribution to ending the war in Ukraine and that between Israel and Hamas.

Workers of all shifts of National Steel Group went on strike and gathered in Ahvaz

“We steel workers are fighting against oppression, we are fighting”

According to the report received today, November 20, all the workers of Iran’s National Steel Industrial Group in Ahvaz went on strike for several hours and stopped all production lines. A large crowd of protesting workers then gathered and marched in the company premises and their protest slogans echoed in the atmosphere of this complex. The managing director, who was afraid of the strong movement of the workers, took refuge behind the security guard, and one of the security officials had ordered his forces to fight physically if the workers approached. In reaction to this statement by the security officer, the workers chanted the slogan “Bishraf Bishraf” and continued their protest and the cry of “we steel workers are fighting, we are fighting” echoed in the atmosphere of the factory. The workers also chanted: Hossein Hossein, their slogan is theft and looting of their work. The workers have started a strike and protest against the low wages and the non-implementation of the job classification plan, as well as the false promises and embezzlement.

According to the reports received, under the pressure of this strike and protest and the fear of it being dragged to the street, the management announced this afternoon by issuing a notice that they will pay the amount of three million tomans to each worker for the implementation of the classification plan. In response to this announcement, the workers have stated that this is a ploy to stop their protest and they will not settle for less than 100% implementation of the job classification plan and increase the acceptable level of wages and continue their protests.

Communist Labor Party of Iran

11 November 2023


Expansion of labor protests in oil and petrochemicals

Labor protests in Aghajari, Khark, Karun, Maron, West Oil and Gas, Ilam, and Bilal

12 November 2023

Protests continue in oil centers and their scope is getting wider every day. According to the news published on the Telegram channel of the Council for Organizing Protests of Oil Contractual Workers, on Wednesday, November 10th, the official workers of Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company started gathering in continuation of their protests against the government’s livelihood attacks and embezzlements and thefts. On the banner of this protest, it was written: “Do not tamper with the oil workers’ pension fund.”

Also, the newly hired personnel of various companies such as Karun Oil and Gas Exploitation, Maron, Aghajari and Gharb Oil and Gas have protested with the desire to benefit from the full benefits of the implementation of Article 10 and the updating of the 21-level pay tables and have announced that until the realization These demands will be protested together on Tuesdays.

On the 9th of Aban, official oil workers also held a protest rally at the Khark oil terminal, and on the same day, newly hired workers at some oil platforms also held rallies on the spot to protest the manner in which their salary and minimum benefits were determined.

On Monday, the 8th of November, groups of official oil workers protested at the Ilam and Bilal oil platforms with the demand to change the salary floor and some other demands.

While reporting these protests, the organizing council of oil contract workers’ protests has declared its firm support for oil workers’ protests in various sectors of this key industry. The rapid course of protests in oil is going global. Protests against the government’s livelihood attacks, embezzlements and thefts, discriminations and all kinds of slave labor contracts and entrusting every part of oil to thieving and looting contractors are the main topics of these protests that challenge the ruling political-economic structures. These are all the subjects of the protests of the huge and millions of workers and the whole society. These protests should be widely supported. With the campaign to support the oil workers, the Communist Labor Party calls all the workers and different sections of the society to strongly support the struggle of the oil workers of this economic artery of the country.

Ahead of nationwide strikes

Communist Labor Party of Iran


Protest against the non-implementation of job classification plan

Monday, November 22, 2023

On Saturday, November 20, the workers of Iran’s National Steel Industrial Group stopped working in different sectors and marched towards the meeting hall in this production unit and gathered in front of it and chanted slogans such as “We steel workers are fighting against oppression and violence, we are fighting”, “Hussein Hossein showed their slogans, “Thefts are their honor”, “Shame on Mohammadi, leave the national group” and… their protest against the non-implementation of the job classification plan, the non-payment of demands, the non-return to work, and their determination to achieve their demands.

The security forces caused tension and division by creating a conflict with the gatherers, which was thwarted by the workers’ resistance against them by chanting the slogan “Shameless, Shameless”.

The latest news published on social networks indicates the continuation of the protest by the workers of Iran’s National Steel Industrial Group and their gathering in front of the meeting hall on Sunday, November 21.

Following the disruption of the CEO of Iran National Steel Industrial Group in the implementation of the job classification plan and the unansweredness of some other demands, on Sunday, November 21, a large number of workers working in various departments of the company gathered in front of the management building by halting the production lines for several hours. In this gathering, which was accompanied by a magnificent protest march, we shouted our demands in unison while chanting slogans.

  • Immediate implementation of job classification plan
  • Also, the return to work of our fired colleague “Karim Siyahi”

is one of our most important demands. (We are steel workers against oppression and violence) We are fighting, we are fighting, we said we would come, this is the beginning of the road.


Gatherings of steel and oil workers, retirees and nurses

Sunday, November 21, 2023

Today’s news: Today, Sunday, November 21, the strikes and protests of workers, pensioners and nurses continued and expanded. Ahvaz steel workers went on strike and gathered for the second day in a row. Workers and official employees of the oil and gas industry in the south continued their protest gatherings in several areas, including the operational area of ​​Siri, Chabahar, Aghajari, Bandar Mahshahr and Ahvaz. The pensioners of mines, oil industry and social security also continued their protests in several cities by organizing protest gatherings and marches. Also, nurses held a protest rally in Kashan.

Ahvaz National Steel Group workers started the second day of their strike and protest rally in Ahvaz with the slogan “One person’s card has been closed, the company’s doors will be closed”! set up

The workers of all departments of the Ahvaz National Steel Industrial Group went on strike for the second day in a row in protest of the company’s management’s indifference to their demands and demands, and demanding the full implementation of the job classification plan, the equalization of salaries, and the return to work of the dismissed colleagues. The workers were chanting: The worker dies and does not accept humiliation!

Today also, the employees and official workers of the oil, gas and petrochemical industry continued to strike and hold protest rallies for several days in a row in recent weeks. Today, the scope of these protests was wider. Among them, the employees of the Siri Plateau Oil Company stopped working and organized a large gathering in protest of the injustices and the silence of the authorities. The demands of these employees are the complete removal of the salary cap, the removal of the limitation of retirement years, the return of excess tax deductions, the full implementation of Article 10 despite the legal capacities and powers such as increasing the grade and appraisal percentage and not interfering with the pension fund .

Today, the official employees of Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company continued to strike and organize their rally. The protests of these employees have been taking place for several weeks with demands such as the complete removal of the salary cap, the removal of the limitation of retirement years, the return of excess tax deductions, the full implementation of Article 10 and the payment of back pay, and the non-merger of the oil employees’ pension fund.

In Chabahar today, the workers of Bestab Bana Petrochemical Sina Polyolefin Company went on strike for their demands to be met.

Also, in Mahshahr port , we witnessed a nationwide protest rally and march by the official employees of the Ministry of Oil in the Special Economic Zone, protesting the merger of the oil fund with other funds.

Also today, the employees of the headquarters of the South Oil Regions Company, located in Ahvaz, protested against the oil pension fund and the government’s decision to merge the pension funds.

The pensioners of mines, oil industry and social security started marches and protest gatherings in several cities of the country today . In Tehran, this rally was accompanied by the security forces’ attack on the protest rally of steel industry pensioners against the country’s steel pension fund. The pensioners chanted: Police, go and catch the thieves.

Gatherings of retirees were held today in several cities, including Tehran, Kermanshah, Shush, Ahvaz, Isfahan, etc. The protest gathering of Foulad pensioners living in Tehran was held in front of the Foulad Pension Fund building.

The steel pensioners demand full payment of the arrears of 1400, preserving the nature of steel by changing the provisions of the draft statute of the steel pension fund, completing the implementation of the equalization plan based on the characteristics of steel workers, resolving legal discrepancies in the steel pension fund, before determining any prospects for the said fund, return The real position of the steel fund is in the seventh development program.

Protest gathering of nurses in front of the headquarters of Kashan University of Medical Sciences

The nurses of Kashan, Aran and Bidgol held a protest rally in front of the headquarters of Kashan University of Medical Sciences this morning.

Protest of iron ore mine workers afraid of quarterly contracts: we do not have job security

A group of workers of “Khavf Iron Mine” protested and went on strike against the existence of “temporary three-month contracts” and the lack of “job security”.


All translations from Farsi by Google Translate